Eufrosina Săbiescu- Contemporary Artist

"Always on a quest to experiment new materials and techniques."
Welcome to
my journey.
“The joy of shaping a three-dimensional form from the hands of its creator cannot be limited to a single material, a singular technique or experience. The thought germinates in the mind of the artist and the form comes into existence frail and shy. Nonetheless, his hands guide it, shaping it from raw matter and his very own soul, and thus transforming it into the sum of his experiences. He is relentlessly searching for ways of converting his most intimate thoughts into matter. He carves, models, adds, casts, kneads, polish, tenderly creating the sculpture that will forever reflect the joy of its own birth.
Enslaved, like many others, by the trill of engaging the matter, I continuously seek to challenge the newness, by the means of experimenting with a new material and exploring the possibilities of contesting its physical limitations. In the attempt to kneel it to your purposes sometimes its beauty stuns you, enchanting you forever and guiding you in the infallible desire of existing beyond your mortal being.
Joy, play, excitement, fight, experience, experiment, fulfillment, art - this is the sum of my creative universe, this is me - in my works and in the eyes of those looking upon them.”
The Romanian artist Eufrosina Sabiescu lives and works in Vienna since 2008. Born into a family of artists she has called art her vocation from early childhood. Her knowledge in art was taken further through her studies at the National University of Art in Bucharest, Romania. Here she completed here studies in Sculpture with a Bachelor of Arts diploma and later absolved the Master of Arts program as well. After graduation she was awarded an International Artist Scholarship from DAAD at the prestigious Kunstakademie Düsseldorf where she has studied with Professors David Rabinowitch and Anthony Cragg.
Since then Eufrosina Sabiescu has participated in numerous international exhibitions and Art Biennials, being nominated for The National Artists Association Award, Art Biennale Romania in 2013. A strong believer that an artist should explore different materials and techniques, her beautiful diverse sculptures are now part of private collections in Germany, Austria, Italy and Romania and her sculpture “Aqua di Volterra” became a part of TAAM Museo Itinerante d’Arte Contemporanea di Sculptura Volterra, Italy in 2011.
For her contribution in the field of art she was awarded the prestigious Woman Art Award, 2022, Paris, by the Musa International Foundation.
Selected Exhibitions
2024 "Eufrosina Sabiescu" , solo show, Create Art Galleries, Vienna, Austria
2024 "The Land of Silence", Musa Pavilion, Palazzo Pisani Revedin, Venice, Italy
2024 "Traum Welten", Stadtmuseum, Mannersdorf, Austria
2023 "Rome Art Expo", Palazzo Velli, Roma, Italy
2023 "Notationen", Galerie am Lieglweg, Neulengbach, Austria
2023 "Horizonte“, Schloss Fischau, Bad Fischau Austria
2023 "Sicily Summer Art Expo", Museo della Cattedrale, Ragusa, Italy
2023 "Expometro“, Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona, Spain
2023 "Zusammenhalten", Soho Studios, Vienna, Austria
2023 “Not all Flowers Kiss the Sun“- Installation land art, Essling, Viena, Austria
2022 Auf Augenhöhe Art Auction, Albertina Museum,Vienna, Austria
2022 "We Contemporary" art book launch and exhibition, Palazzo Velli, Roma, Italy
2022 "Woman’s Essence Show", 24b Gallery, Paris, France
-awarded Woman Art Award 2022
2022 "Stern unten den Sternen", KunstFabrik, Groß-Siegharts, Austria
2022 "Kosmos Kuriosum", Zukunftshof, Vienna, Austria
2022 "Stern unten den Sternen", Alte Rathaus, Zdár nad Sázavou, Czech R.
2022 Kunstaustellung Kunst-und Handwerkfest, Schloss Hof, Austria
2022 "Eisen-Stein-Öl-Wasser", Bergerhaus, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria
2022 "100 years of art", Alfa Gallery, Arad, Romania
2022 "Beneath the iceberg", KreativRaum, Vienna, Austria, Guest artist
2022 "Under my Skin", KreativRaum, Vienna, Austria
2021 "Fundamente der Nächstenliebe", Probstdorf, Austria
2021 "Licht in der Zukunft", KreativRaum, Vienna, Austria, Guest artist
2021 Kunstaustellung Kunst-und Handwerkfest, Schloss Hof, Austria
2021 Art Biennale "Meeting Point", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2021 "Poppin Poppies" land art installation, Essling, Austria
2020 Kunstaustellung Kunst-und Handwerkfest, Schloss Hof, Austria
2020 "Werden", solo show, KunstLokal, Gross-Enzersdorf, Austria
2018 "100 Years", Ioan Slavici Theater, Arad, Romania
2017 Art Biennale "Meeting Point", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2016 Small Graphic Biennale, Art Museum, Arad, Romania
2014 "Paper Brick", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2013 Art Biennale "Meeting Point", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2013 "How are you?", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2012 Small Graphic Biennale, Art Museum, Arad, Romania
2011 "Sculpture Today -Four discourses", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2011 "Contaminazioni Indipendenti", Pinacoteca Civica, Volterra, Italy
2011 Art Biennale "Meeting Point", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2009 "Launching Platform", Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2008 "Woher kommen wir? Was sind wir? Wohin gehen wir?", Arteversum Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
2008 "Rundgang", Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf, Germany
2008 Spring Salon, Delta Gallery, Arad, Romania
2008 "Peter Royen sieht Rot", Arteversum, Düsseldorf, Germany
2007 "Salon Regional de l'Habitat", Bourg-en-Bresse, France
2007 MA Graduate Exhibition, Literature Museum, Bucharest, Romania,
2005 Closing Exhibition Prometheus Sculpture Symposium , Sf. Gheorghe, Ro
2005 BA Graduate Exhibition, Artexpo Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2004 "Art Today", Ioan Slavici Museum, Siria, Romania
2004 "Sculpture", Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest, Romania